Monday, March 28, 2011

The First Spring

We are back in Sweden after a great time in France.  Hammie enjoyed the warmth and we saw spring unfold during our two week.  Now it is time for our second spring as Sweden is starting to warm up and i reckon flowers will emerge in the next week or so.  Here are a couple pictures from France

 Hammie hangs up her warm beanie for her sun-hat

Those flowers don't stand a chance against Gozilla-Hammie

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our Little Climber

Lina returned to Sweden a few days ago while Hammie and I stayed on in France for an extra week of wine and stinky cheese.  This round of dad camp is a bit more hygienic than the one in September as we are staying in a house, but that doesn't mean we aren't playing in the dirt.  Hammie has actually started "climbing" as she find her own little problems to scramble up as she tries to mimics mom and dad.  She'll be giving me beta for my projects in no time.

Hammie feeling a sandstone sloper

This one is a bit over Hammies head but it's nice to have projects

Chris imparts his climbing wisdom to his God-daughter

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hammie Just Franced in Her Pants

Hammie loves France.  Spring has come and the warm sunny weather is a welcome change from Sweden.  She has taken to chocolate spread and French pastries and is shopping around for a beret.  Fortunately we are in a gite (vacation home you can rent in Franch) packed with American and try to keep Hammie from becoming too French. 

Lina and Hammie taking a morning stroll to the boulagerie for some baguettes 

Hammie helps collect firewood for the evening 

French pastries are good

Hammie catches up on her reading

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Necklace

On the last laundry day Hammie found a new necklace.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kitchen Helper

Hammie is ready to help out with dinner. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Poopy in the Potty

One of the major steps to becoming a big girl is learning to poop in the potty.  I've been taking this undertaking pretty serious, following a bare-butt Hammie around the house and logging countless hours reading to Hammie while she sits on the potty.  Waiting around for a little one to poop is a lesson in patience and while there has certainly been a few accidents, more and more poops are making it into the potty and Hammie is becoming more accurate when she declares "bajs" (the Swedish word for poop).  I'd say we are still a good bit from the goal but strides have been made in the right direction and I can imagine a day in the not to distant future where Hammie is diaper free.

And for those of you not familiar with the Swedish language, good luck pronouncing "bajs".

Hammie catching up on some reading

Her expression is telling me it's soon time to get off the potty

And a side note.......How much is Hammie going to love this blog when she is 13 years old.