Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Blueberries are magnifique!


  1. Oh, how I love her! I think you should post a picture EVERYday so when I check, everyday, I won't be disappointed! Miss you all so much and LOVE YOU! xoxxoxo

  2. Hipp hipp HURRA HURRA HURRA HURRA mitt hjÀrtegryn !!!!One day realy but tomorrow I do´nt have access to a computer. I will personally give her congratulations kisses and hugs from nita and me. love Ingela

  3. Um, what happened to a pic everyday? Not to put any pressure on you and I really do just love to look thru the old pics of my lil' Hamalama but I need more! I might be a little bit addicted to her cuteness...
