Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who you calling a sucker?

Hammie got to try her first lollipop this summer and it's safe to say it was a big hit.  The lulling effect was incredible as Hammie simply sat down and barely moved until the entire sucker was gone.  We generally deprive Hammie of candy but it was a special time to share with her friends.  And now if I ever need 15-20 minutes of partial silence (sucking noises being the only audible sound) I know how to get it.

 Good stuff!

Hammie and her friends Mira and Miriam enjoying a sweet summer


  1. Sugar bliss! :) Yah! Cannot wait to see y'all. Getting very excited. When do you get to ABQ? LOOOVE YOU!

  2. we fly in sept 2nd and will be packing lots of hugs from sweden
