Thursday, September 20, 2012

Good Eatin'

In general I try to ensure that my daughter eats real food.  Most meals are prepared from scratch and when I stray from the meat, dairy and produce sections I avoid products with high-fructose corn syrup and the like.  Of course there are the occasional lapses as Dad-camp provides Hammie with multiple opportunities to consume some crap.  For example, she doesn't see her Fart-fart (my dad) very often and you can bet he's packing donuts.  I figure the occasional sugar binge is is after all Dad-camp.

 Hammie's favorite lunch of the trip

 Dad-camp is about eating meat with our bare hands.  This time it's hamburger 

 Hammie just received a bag from Fart-fart (aka Grandpa).  What could it be?

Hammie devours one of many donuts from Fart-fart

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