Saturday, December 28, 2013

Flying High

If you're a four year old and your father is an has an obsessive climber you are going to spend a good amount of time out at the crag.  The trick for me as the father is to try to make our time in the dirt fun and fortunately Hammie is a great "crag kid" as rocks, sticks, plants, etc provide endless amounts of entertainment for an active imagination.  And lately Hammie has even taken to climbing as she lugs her own pad around and seeks out problems of her own.  I've got my fingers crossed that the climbing bug will stick. but the important thing is that we have fun, and Hammie is certainly good at that.

When climbing with a rope the appeal is mostly to swing.  Here Nalani takes flight.

Heading out to the boulders with her own crash pad

Nalani geared up for a day of climbing with a good friend along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. I think she's "too tired" and/or "too tiny" in that last pic. :)
