Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Dirty Girl

There is a spanish word for that layer of filth that builds up on a person's skin. That word is "roña" and in the right settings can appear in a day. With Lina absent our little girl has embraced the filth and become a "roñosa", gleefully wallowing in the dirt and emerging a shade or two darker. We've been going through wet-wipes at a rapid rate but out at these climbing areas it's like fighting a grizzly bear with a BB-gun. Fortunately some friends in town offered their home to us and yesterday Hammie left her "tan" in the murky bathwater. She is once again clean but it won't last long as we plan to go out climbing tomorrow.

Here's a couple pictures of our dirty little girl.


  1. I'd still kiss her sweet dirty cheeks! :)

  2. These pictures make me giggle every time I look at them. She looks like such a ragamuffin!
