Friday, September 3, 2010

Laundry Day

Being productive around the house is considerably more difficult with a 1 year old. Certain things are almost impossible (like keeping the apartment floor free of Hammie toys) and other take considerably longer than they should. Which brings us to "laundry day".

Those that know me probably realize that if left to my own devices laundry would be an infrequent event. Barely having enough clothes to fill a machine coupled with the fact I wear the same thing everyday (sometimes for over a week) means that I don't have to do laundry very often. Of course now I've got a little girl and a princess with way higher standards than me. There is now plenty to wash and fortunately Hammie loves to help.

Laundry is incredibly enjoyable with my little girl as she insists on shorting the clothes at every stage of the process. Piles get rearranged, clothes get put in and out of the machine and nothing gets hung in the drying room without Hammie's approval.

When laundry day is finally over I start to wish that I had more dirty clothes to clean. Fortunately that is a wish quickly granted by a certain 1 year old with an affinity for dirt and messy eating. Life is good.

After careful inspection Hammie hands newly washed clothes to dad.

Large items pose a problem for my little girl but she is adamant about taking them by herself

Until Hammie is taller dad will have to do the hanging.

Making sure everything is in order

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